Welcome to my blog!
I'm really new to the whole blog thing but I'm loving it. I enjoy sharing my life with family & friends and I love expressing my creativity. I also hope to give encouragement to all that cross my path. I hope you enjoy.
Semper Fi !!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Link-Ups and Life

WELCOME new comers and old friends alike to my blog 

I have a story that just happened to me and I want to tell you all about it.
I was sitting in the main lounge area doing some much needed chill time and homework.
As I came into the main lounge I noticed a group setting up a event it was something about suicide awareness, .. well they had some artwork displayed and one piece was offensive to me and this is what it was.
It was an orange sky background and a silhouette of a military man.  and the quote said

 "I have already decided how I'm going to kill myself if my husband doesn't come back from iraq and he doesn't leave for another 2 months."

ok so I of course saw this as an insult to all military spouses. I also thought it portrayed us women as people who already decide to kill ourselves when our men leave on deployment, I just think it gave military spouses a bad rap.  So I complained and the man in charge was very understanding when I said I would write up a complaint to my school if necessary  he promptly took the artwork down, he did not want to get tangled up with a marines girl I glad he was smart and new what was good for him. :) What do YOU think ? was I over reacting ? I was very respectful in my approach but sometimes I think I take things to seriously especially when its about military.  Living in a state that doesn't support its military much is not a easy place to live.

On to more happy news.... very excited to be apart of 2 link ups again this week. 1 from Flipflops and Combat boots and  1 from Goodnight Moon hope you enjoy 
and WELCOME to my blog world !!!


It is SO Delightful that spring is just around the corner BUT the weather man has given me yucky news aka a BIG snow story headed my way... snow snow.. goo away ....

I am so Happy that there is only 6 weeks of school left.. YAY !! 

I think greek yogurt is Superb I love to eat it with a little bit of granola and fruit try it yourself. 

Gorgeous is the first words out of my mans mouth when he called me this week and it made my day that much more amazing. 

I feel Loved  times a million because I got to talk to my love for a whole HOUR the other day and I have been smiling ever since. 

and Don't forget Goodnight Moons AMAZING link up
I have had SO much fun with this link up Great idea Amber. !!
I heard this song and it caught my ear ... can you tell I've got certain THINGS on my mind ;)

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Semper Fi, Amber joy
Give some Comment love people

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Hello all and Welcome to my blog My post today is a link up with a great lady over at Flip Flops and Combat Boots. I have done this once before and I had a great time. Hope you enjoy and head on over to her blog to link up too.

I think it is OUTSTANDING that I have an amazing girlfriend who keeps me motivated about going to the gym, Thanks Alberta!

I am so PROUD of myself for getting my head on straight again  and getting my focus back in regards to the 2nd half of this semester..(I have my work cut out for me to get things back to where they SHOULD be).

Since going to the gym 4 days a week I feel so 
ENERGIZED  and I'm so excited to see my man and have him see the self improvement I've done not only in my body but also in my self esteem. 

I think it is SPLENDID that i have great friends at college that like to be around me (new experience for me being a lone ranger and all most of my life)  Love you ladies out there Bethany, Alberta, Diane, Kelly and all you who know who you are. 

It is WONDERFUL  that my family is ok after there bad car accident today. God was looking out for them for sure. My 9 siblings walked away without a scratch, even though they hopped a ditch and ran into a telephone pole.

Thanks for reading and checking out my blog hope you have an AMAZING day. 

Semper Fi, Amber joy

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Security and Bread knives

Ok so your all probably wondering what the title of this post is all about. Well I'm about to tell you...

As many of you know spring break has come and is almost gone already... (very sad).  I had a list of things to get done that was a million miles long, and one of them was getting a new military ID (ugh).... this process takes FOREVER. Let me tell you, the reason for this "fun", I need medical insurance and I was kicked off my daddy's insurance because I got too old. Well thanks to loop holes in the system I can be reinstated on his plan IF I give them a bunch of paperwork ( my favorite thing ever..NOT) lol.. and wait for HOURS.

Alright enough with all this now on to the story......

ok So I woke up really early to get ready to drive to the reserve base near me(about 35 min. away). I get to the gate and the guard stops me of course and asks for ID and then asked why I was coming on base, I told him why and he was very skeptical, I gave him ID and tried to convince him I wasn't a terrorist, but he seemed to think I was or something...lol. Anyway his partner went back to the guard house and made some calls... she then proceeds to call him aside and give him a word or two. Then he comes back over to scared little me and says "ma'me we are going to have to search your car" I was like oh dear my cars a mess.... then he said "open all your doors, compartments, and your hood and trunk".  I was kind of nervous I never had anyone search my car before.

google image
Then it hit me I was like oh NO ... did I take the machete (big knife thing) out of my car and the baseball bat?.. lol.. yeah I keep strange things in my car. After having a SLIGHT panic attack I came to the conclusion that I had removed said items from my car. Thank goodness... but THEN... I remembered that I still had a "weapon of mass destruction" (as my man said when I told him this story).. mmm I love him....that weapon was in fact a simple kitchen bread knife (serrated for extra measure) :)  then I had a little panic again thinking OH NO what if they find it under my floor mat ?? what will I tell them?  I tried to stay calm... (I would never make a good spy or anything you can read my like a book ).  The man with the M4 kept searching and the lady asked "do have anything to hide?"  I was like no of course not. well the guy looked under all the rugs except the one the knife was hiding under imagine that.. and I sighed with relief when he came back over to me and said ok she's all clear she can go. I was like HALALUYA !!

I got in my car and shakily drove toward the building that I would spend the next 4 HOURS waiting for some little ID card... Note to self ALWAYS bring homework with you cause you never know when you'll be waiting a LONG time for something. After forever and a day I was finally on my way out the door with a brand new hot of the press military ID. I was pretty happy at that point cause that means I have medical insurance until I"m a little bit older aka 1 year.. until they kick me off for good... the guy who gave me the ID was kinda like well just marry a military man and you won't have this problem... and I was like I plan to sir thank you very much.

So that is my story sorry if it was too long and boring.
anyway I'm off to bed now because I have an INSANELY busy day tomorrow( or today) with homework and possible skype date with my man!!! YAY !!!!!! I haven't seen his face in over 4 months or so I really hope I can see him.
Thanks for reading my craziness friends, more stories to come.
Semper Fi, Amber joy

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Little update

Hi all !  I have been insanely busy with life stuff AND spring break of course :)  I will be posting some REAL post at some point next week until then I hope you all are having an amazing week.
Semper Fi, Amber joy

Whats your song ?? Goodnight Mood link up #4

Let me just say spring break has been AMAZING. I was really blessed to get not 1 but 2 phone calls from my man  this week and that has definitely put me in a great mood as always. I heard this song this week and loved the tune .. especially the bubble in the background lol.  Enjoy :)
Semper Fi, Amber joy

P.S oh yeah on a side note I also found out man has made some marine corps. decisions this week, I'm REALLY proud of the way he did it with wisdom and prayer. :)

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Goodnight Moon Link Up: week 3

Here we are at week 3 of goodnight-moon's AWESOME music sharing link up. I have been looking forward to this weeks link up SO much. I have had a song going through my head for a week straight its called "are you going to kiss me or not" .. and I have played it at least twice a day..lol...
Hope you all enjoy it too.!!
Semper Fi, Amber Joy

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Good morning ! I am excited to link up with a new friend Nicole over at flipflopsandcombatboots.  She has put together this link up where she puts 5 words and we make great sentences that work with them. I had so much fun and it was great reading all the others ladies post as well. Enjoy !

Thursday Five

I feel Peaceful when I talk to God about my struggles, He always understands.
I  felt so Loved this week when my parents  put gas in my car, bought me some groceries and gave me a little spending money out of the blue !
I think its Awesome that spring break is so close, I definitely NEED a break so that I can catch up on normal life stuff.
I think I'm pretty Lucky to have such an AMAZING man in my life who loves me for me.
I need to remind myself that I'm Smartand that I can make it through nursing school and stop doubting my abilities. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Do YOU believe in Fairy-tales and True love ?

I have been thinking a lot and missing my man tons so I thought Today would be a great day to tell a story. I love telling stories especially about me and my man . :)

How we first met
 (My version of course... if you ask my man he will give you an awesome version with his twist).

        Let me first say I did NOT want to meet my man at ALL.  Ok I'm glad I got that out in the open, BUT I'm SO glad I was hoodwinked into meeting him eventually.  I had just come out of a relationship and was hurting a little bit..ok a LOT bit. I was the most sad of creatures.. I didn't believe in love, or love at first site, nor did I believe there was a "prince charming" out there for anyone let alone for me. I was so pessimistic and pretty much hated all men. Then my big brother C. started talking to me about "some Marine" that would be "peeerrfect" for me, C. insisted that we meet.. and I INSISTED we DIDN'T meet. I said to him. C. I am NOT meeting your Jerk friend, he's a Marine and marines have a reputation.  "Unfortunately" C. was the most persistent, STUBBORN, Strong-willed, guy you could ever meet, and he kept at me.( I later found out he was doing the same thing to my man).

     After 8 months of "convincing" C. was about to leave with my man for their first deployment. C.'s family was going down to his base to see him off before he left. C "INSISTED" I come as well, who could refuse a great trip south ?? :) .  The day came and we left to a "undisclosed" location to drive 15 long hours to the base where C was stationed. My one demand  request was that I didn't meet this "jerk marine". WELL can you guess that my demand request was not honored? of course not.

      We finally get to the "undisclosed location", it was later in the evening (7pm) we had been up since 3am so we were all whooped tired. C. called us as we got closer to base and INSISTED we come see him that night instead of going to our beach house and relaxing, we of course started the process of getting on base
 ( not at ALL easy when your not military might I add)

 after lots of finagling we got on base and headed to some restaurant called Andy's. On a side note  (I did NOT know that the "jerk marine" was going to be there) we pull into the drive and I saw C. AND my man sitting on the railing and I thought to myself  ok "game on" I'm NOT going to be nice to this marine so he won't like me. (man was I a brat.) The car stopped and we all got out except me.. at first I didn't want to get out but of course I finally caved. I got out and stood to the side with my arms crossed and looking like I wanted to kill someone ( so I'm told) and C. was all excited and came over and gave lots of hugs, one thing though he didn't  introduce his jerk friend to me. My man didn't take long to just walk over and introduce himself to me he cautiously put out his to me and said "hello my name is D. C might have mentioned me."  I responded  "Hi" in a not really thrilled to meet you sort of way with a touch of brat.

    On the way down to the "undisclosed location" I said to myself  True love doesn't exist and I will NOT fall for this jerk marine.  Well lets just say it didn't go as planned... the day we met I (being stubborn) REFUSED to admit that I was smitten from the start by this guy. I tried to ignore and analytically  talk myself out of it.

my internal dialog went as followed " wow he has gorgeous eyes... NO amber stop it your not falling for this Jerk.... wow he has some serious muscles ... NO get a grip on yourself girl....he's a jerk marine remember.... wow I could listen to his voice forever... oh dear folks we've lost her lets count our loses and get while the gettings good."

well although I didn't admit it at the time,  I was smitten after the first day.  I didn't think I had a chance because I was so mean to him, but LUCKY for me that he's not the kind of man that looks at a challenge and runs... he's the type that see's a challenge and wants it all the more.
   .......Moral of the story true love DOES exist, and love at first site is possible... all you have to remember is  Love God first and trust HIM  to handle your love life and  a man  as AMAZING as mine might just be in your near future. :)

Hope you enjoyed one of my very fond memories, Semper Fi, Amber joy

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Goodnight Moon Link Up: week 2

Welcome to my blog, Amber over at goodnight moon is doing this cool song link up thing, I think it is a GREAT Idea and can't wait to listen to all the other songs on  blogs I follow and maybe make some new friends.

I have had a hard week in general and its not even over yet. I have been missing my man tons and trying to stay focused on my classes but it seems I can't. I sometimes go through a time where I feel alone out here and don't think any one understands the whole "being with a military man thing". I started a blog randomly and found some AMAZING support through all these other wonderful ladies blogs who are imagine! going through the same or similar stuff as me.
I just want to thank you ladies for giving support and putting yourself out there, so that girls like me (brand new to Marine corp girlfriend life) can be encouraged.
Semper Fi Amber joy

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This song makes me think of my man and miss him cause we would listen to music together all the time, I had this as a text tone while my man was stateside and when he text me it played, now that I hear it I feel sad because he can't text me. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


      So many things have been happening these last few days. First, I lost my car(broke down) and I have realized HOW much I depend on my car to get me around, when a girls on her own, a working car is a VERY important part of her life. COME BACK SOON CAR !!...
      Ok The Second thing is I have AMAZING friends!  you know who your friends are when your stuck in a rut (also known as care broken down), or any-other BIG thing in your life and they come and help you out.  Thank you to my friends Bethany, and Alberta for being there for me in this time of craziness, you are AMAZING and I'm so thankful to have you in my life !!!

     Third, I want to say I have an amazing Dad !! and little brother Emmett. They have helped me SO much with my silly little car. They both spent over 6 hours working on my car and I am SO thankful for their hard work.

    I am just overflowing with thankfulness today,
Semper Fi, Amber joy

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

This WILL make you stronger

I have had a rough week and weekend with school, work, and CAR( lil bratty car is becoming more like its owner "STUBBORN") lol
I was driving home one night feeling really overwhelmed with whats been going on in my life. Talking to God , telling Him how I felt so weak and that I didn't think I could do all this "grown up stuff" on my own. Of course He reminded me with this AMAZING song that things  happen in our lives to make us STRONGER.   I of course cried like a baby but it was so good to be reminded that God is ALWAYS by my side. 
Hope you all have an amazing day full of things that make you stronger. 
Semper Fi, Amber joy